Technician Assistant

The technician assistant position at Fitness ER is a year long apprenticeship that will prepare you for any and all fieldwork as a fitness equipment technician. You will learn how to diagnose, repair, install, re-upholster, and perform preventative maintenance on all types and brands of equipment. After the first six months, you will be able to perform simple repairs and maintenance on your own; the last six months will develop your diagnosing abilities. No direct experience in the trade is necessary for this position, but a good grasp of tools and how to use them will be extremely beneficial. A background in appliance repair or HVAC would also serve you well in this job. After successfully completing the one year apprenticeship, you will be promoted to the full technician position and be expected to complete any and all types of fieldwork on your own. Pay starts at $16/hr and increases to $18 after the first 6 months. When you become a full technician, pay will increase to $20/hr. Below is a description of the job duties and following that is a description of the full technician’s duties.

Technician Assistant:

  1. Keep appointments

    1. Contact customers when you are on the way

    2. Contact customers if you are running late (beyond the 30min arrival window)

    3. Communicate with the Office Admin if you are unable to make any appointments, need to make changes to the schedule, or any other schedule issues

  2. Repair equipment

    1. Repair equipment as instructed by your Lead Technician

    2. Double check all repairs with your Lead Technician

    3. Report any further issues you find with your Lead Technician

  3. Upholstery:

    1. Trace patterns of needed upholstery

      1. Appropriately label patterns

      2. If a back cover is needed, create a pattern for the back and label it as such

    2. Cut out patterns back at warehouse

    3. Cut out a thin plywood back pattern and apply vinyl sticker to create a back cover

    4. Install new covers

      1. Take before and after pictures and post to the job

  4. Installs

    1. Pick up equipment from the warehouse

    2. Load/preload the box truck with equipment for installs

      1. When possible, load the box truck and meet your Lead Tech on-site for install and assembly

      2. Make sure all appropriate moving equipment is stocked in the box truck, if you are unsure what to bring, check with your Lead Technician

    3. Help the Lead Technician move the equipment into the residence/facility

    4. Provide assistance with assembly of the equipment

    5. Dispose of trash once back at the warehouse and clean box truck

  5. PM’s

    1. Clean all machines

      1. Vacuum where necessary

      2. Wipe down machines

      3. Clean between treadmill belt and decks

    2. Apply lubrication

      1. Walking belts when applicable

      2. Incline motors

      3. Guide Rods

      4. Bike, rower, and stepmill chains

    3. Dress drive belts when necessary

    4. Update and manage property profile

    5. Take pictures of equipment issues and add to job

  6. Job management

    1. Start and end job

    2. Gather equipment info for property management

    3. Get customer signature

    4. Get miles/hours on cardio equipment

    5. Review the repair, test the equipment, and explain pertinent information with the customer

    6. Collect payment from residential customers of Fitness ER

    7. Double check with your Lead Technician before leaving a job to make sure everything has been completed

Lead Technician:

  1. Keep appointments

    1. Contact customers when you are on the way

    2. Contact customers if you are running late (beyond the 30min arrival window)

    3. Communicate with the Office Admin if you are unable to make any appointments, need to make changes to the schedule, or any other schedule issues

  2. Diagnose and repair equipment

    1. Make correct diagnoses of equipment and appropriate repairs

      1. Incorrect diagnoses are covered by our “Diag Guarantee” and the customer will not be charged for repairs that don’t fix the issue

    2. Double check any diag or repair done by assistant

  3. Upholstery:

    1. Trace patterns of needed upholstery

      1. Appropriately label pattern

      2. If a back cover is needed, create a pattern for the back and label it as such

    2. Cut out patterns back at warehouse

    3. Cut out a thin plywood back pattern and apply vinyl sticker to create a back cover

    4. Install new covers

      1. Take before and after pictures and post to the job

  4. Installs

    1. Provide the technical ability on install jobs to make sure the equipment in assembled correctly to eliminate return warranty trips

    2. Help assistant load/unload equipment and move into the residence or facility

  5. PM’s

    1. Provide the technical ability to test and diagnose all equipment on-site

    2. Record equipment info (hours, miles, errors)

    3. Provide detailed notes on any issues found

    4. Provide part numbers for any parts needed for future repairs

  6. Pick up parts

    1. Look ahead at the weekly schedule and pick up necessary parts the night before or early the morning of appointments

    2. Dispose of old parts

    3. Unused parts should be returned to the appropriate parts shelf and the office admin should be made aware of what we have in stock

  7. Van Stock

    1. Make sure your van is fully stocked with common parts, tools, and equipment before leaving the warehouse for the day

  8. Job management

    1. Provide the Office Admin with appropriate information to make estimates and order parts

      1. Pictures of parts labeled with equipment info (close up and zoomed out where appropriate)

      2. Part numbers

      3. Equipment serial and model numbers

      4. Approx time for repair on return trip

    2. Start and end job

    3. Gather equipment info for property management

    4. Get customer signature

    5. Get miles/hours on cardio equipment

    6. Write a clear description of what was done to diag and what repair/s is recommended in the line items for the customer to review

    7. Review the repair, test the equipment, and explain pertinent information with the customer

    8. Collect payment from residential customers of Fitness ER (no payment required when doing warranty work or when working for another vendor, such as P3, Foremost, or Johnson)

    9. Make a task for office Admin when parts or estimates are necessary

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